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ここが一番デイビューあるのでダメ元で… 探しています: 2000 - 2010年頃までのいずれかの期間に、私が遊ばせていただいてたなりきりチャットのログ 該当多分3箇所くらい(表裏自前)だと思うのですが、いずれか一箇所でも上記期間のログをお持ちの方、もしいらっしゃったらコピーをお...


how to watch video reference in blender

it's simply, blender possible to use video file(mp4, avi, etc) as texture =)
step by step is below:

1. check width and height of the video. right click above on video file -> property -> detail(?) tab

2. in blender. add plane with setting like that.

3. in edit mode. select two top vertices and type video height in transform Z. (1px = .001)

select two right(left) vertices and type video width/2(*-1) in transform X.

confirm plane size.

4. create video texture. hit new in material tab.

hit new in texture tab.

select video file.

check "auto refresh" and set end frame to same as video length.

5. oops! ..rotate UVmap to 90 degree.

6. scale up plane size to close enough as Sim. *4 in this time.

(7. if you'd like to make a video(plane) semitransparency. check two "transparency" in material tab and under display in object tab.


that's all.  thaanks =)

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