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How to transfer poses made with Common rig from 3.0 to 2.7?

Just mini tips.
Convert a pose created by parenting Common rig like the one described here to 2.7 file to bring it into in-game.

Okay, here we go.

1. Hide Common rig (show only Sims4 rig). Select all bones needed for pose and enter "Visual Rotation" keyframes. (shortcut/ I, choose "Visual Rotation")

2. select b_ROOT bone and enter "Visual Location" keyframe.

(sidenote: In this example, I have also selected "brow", "cheek", "squint", "jaw" to input facial expressions. These bones also require  visual location.)

3. Save file and exit 3.0.

4. Launch 2.7 and open new file.

5. Append action from 3.0 file you saved.

6. Set appended action in NLA editor.

7. Done! Save and exit 2.7.

Let's check in-game.

That's all. It's easy and convinient. =) (This pose made for explanation is here.)

Thank you!

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